Information to help you to crack the code for the competition will appear here. Surely you have already guessed the first password? It is a word beginning with z and ending with a. It means “winter”.
If you did not manage to guess this by yourself you will need to do better in future. Much better.
The first clue is mentioned on the Competition page.
The second clue is this. Several songs are mentioned in Zima Confession. Use one of them, in combination with what you already know to unlock the next stage in the puzzle. If you can do this you are capable of solving the puzzle.
If you don't want to try cracking the code you can win an Amazon book voucher for £70 by reviewing the book and adding your review to any recognized book review site (eg Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads etc). Send a link to your review to Entries must be submitted by 1st October 2020