When people ask me why I wrote this book I often tell them it was because of Russell Brand. You might find that hard to believe, but it really is mostly his fault!
“You mean he was a co-author?” I hear you ask incredulously.
Not quite. When he announced he was a Marxist I said to myself, "that's it. Something has to be done."
Why did I say that to myself?
He had annoyed me so much that I finally decided to put pen to paper -
The Left, you see, thinks two things that the right doesn't. First, that they are the good guys. Second, that history is on their side. As soon as someone identifies himself as "left", he, she, it, or “ze” is under pressure to go further left - because obviously further left must be even better and even more aligned with history. So, too many on the Left end up followers of a dangerous and volatile ideology known as Marxism.
Anyway, when Russell Brand declared himself a Marxist I not only said, “that’s it…”, I continued the conversation with myself with -
“How can it be that a successful, handsome and witty young man can turn to Marxism in this day and age?”
So, using my vast experience and knowledge of this topic I wrote The Zima Confession to try to illustrate that this (turning to Marxism) is a mistake.
BTW I have one more thing to say on this matter. The Left paint themselves as the good guys because any bad guys are automatically recategorized as "right"
Atilla the Hun - is "right-wing" in popular parlance. Even though there would be no such thing as “left” or “right” for several centuries after him. All warlords of the period behaved or aspired to behave like Atilla.
Hitler - the guy who took over the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS party is also "right-wing".
Mussolini, that fan of Lenin, is too. Etc etc.
So read my little booky-wooky (The Zima Confession) to find out what Russell Brand is responsible for.
BTW - I don't know if he's matured or what, but his YouTube vlog is pretty good - interesting and coherent.